When he discovers others like himself, David is thrust into a dangerous and bloodthirsty war while being hunted by a sinister and determined group of zealots who have sworn to destroy all Jumpers. Create your free account & you will be re-directed to your movie 3. Watch jumper 2008 full movie stream online onionplay watch jumper 2008 online david rice is a man who knows no boundaries, a jumper, born with the uncanny ability to teleport instantly to anywhere on earth when he discovers others like himself, david is thrust into a dangerous and bloodthirsty war while being hunted by a sinister and determined group of zealots who have sworn to destroy all jumpers Watch jumper for free online 123movies watch jumper on 123movies david rice is a high school. Released, Jumper stars Hayden Christensen, Jamie Bell, Samuel L. The science fiction thriller leaps to a new realm with Jumper, which begins the epic adventures of a man who discovers that he has the exhilarating ability to instantly teleport anywhere in the world he can imagine. Choose other movies online from Action, Adventure, Drama, Science Fiction, Thriller or watch the complete. On his last day before retirement, he is killed and the rest of the department blames Kirstin as he delayed his departure from the force to nurture her in the job. Watch Jumper (2008) online or watch it live on. He couldn’t be more proud when she follows him into a career as a member of the town’s fire department.
David Rice is a man who knows no boundaries, a Jumper, born with the uncanny ability to teleport instantly to anywhere on Earth. 4.9 (361) Kristin Scott is her father pride and joy. Watch Jumper 2008 online free and download Jumper free online.